Welcome to the course – this is going to be fun!
We start networking when we are very young. The people that we meet at school then college and university are the foundation on which we build our future. We enjoy synergy with these people, maybe through sport or other interests even after we have embarked on our careers.
Many of my work associates and business colleagues and I have been together for thirty years or longer. These are people who have me listed in their phones and with whom I have a relationship of mutual respect and trust.
We hope the course is simple to use – it does include quite a few activities to do. Use the menu on the right of this page to navigate and do click the Mark Complete button whenever you see it and you have read that topic – this will mean that your progress through the course is tracked in the blue line above the menu
In this course, which will appeal to everyone whether you are working in a corporation employing thousands of people or a one-man business we learn how to build trust and connections. How to behave at events from a serious seminar or conference to a Christmas party.
Where and how to make new connections, gain new clients, advance your career, find new jobs and network effectively and efficiently both online and face to face.
I run a bi-monthly networking event in Cheshire which you are invited to attend and the details will be posted on this site and in the newsletter. The cost is very small or nothing if I get it sponsored.
The Man in Red Glasses community will enjoy your company on the course which gives you the basics on which to build your working life. In addition, you will receive our newsletter and I am available to visit for a seminar, a keynote speaker or mentoring session, but remember that I have to put bread on my table too.